Biographical Timeline
Roberto Marco Grego nasce a Venezia da genitori ebrei: Elena Kaula (1863-1925) e Leone Grego, ingegnere (1850-1890), sposati il 02-04-1882.
February 27
Roberto Marco Grego is born in Venice of Jewish parents: Elena Kaula (1863-1925) and engineer Leone Grego (1850-1890), married on April 2, 1882.
Muore il padre Leone a Venezia.
November 8
His father Leone dies in Venice.
La madre sposa il dr. Emanuele Alessandro Todesco Assagioli (1854-?), che adotterà il figlio Roberto. Insieme abitano in Via Emanuele (oggi Strada Nova) a Venezia.
November 15
Roberto's mother marries Dr. Emanuele Alessandro Todesco Assagioli (1854-?). Together, they live in Via Emanuele (now Strada Nova) in Venice.
Roberto's early writings on "Giornale di Venezia" at the age of 15 years.
Foscarini high school graduation exam at the age of 16 years.
In Autumn the family moves to Florence in Via degli Alfani 46 and Roberto enrols in the Faculty of Medicine of the Institute for Advanced Study
With Giovanni Papini and Giuseppe Prezzolini, Assagioli contributes to the magazine "Leonardo", a meeting point of young Florentine intellectuals.
Scrive articoli sulla Rivista di Psicologia applicata. Nel n. 2 pubblica "Gli effetti del riso e le loro applicazioni pedagogiche" stimolato dalla lettura de "Il motto di spirito" di Freud.
He writes articles on the "Rivista di Psicologia applicata" ("Journal of Applied Psychology"). In March/April 1906, No. 2, he publishes "The effects of laugh and their pedagogical applications", stimulated by the reading of "Jokes and their relation to the unconscious" by Freud.
He begins to travel; in Rome he attends Theosophical groups and widens the range of his interests joining the séances of Eusapia Palladino and studying Indian philosophy.
He begins to prepare his thesis in Burghölzli Psychiatric Clinic in Zurich, with Carl G. Jung; here he also knows Eugen Bleuler. Shortly after he becomes a member of the Freud Society in Zürich.
He attends the International Conference for the History of Religions at Oxford, the International Congress on Moral Education in London and the Third International Congress of Philosophy at Heidelberg.
He is in Munich in the clinic for nervous diseases where he attends the courses of Emil Kraepelin.
Tirocinio nel manicomio fiorentino di S.Salvi con il Prof. E. Tanzi.
nternship in S. Salvi Asylum in Florence with Prof. E. Tanzi.
Roberto Assagioli writes for the magazine "La Voce" ("The Voice"), founded by G. Prezzolini and G. Papini.
He translates "Scritti e Frammenti del Mago del Nord" ("Writings and Fragments of the Wizard of the North") by J.G. Hamann for the series of Mystic directed by G. Prezzolini and supported by B. Croce.
He participates in the activity of the Biblioteca Filosofica (Philosophical Library) with lectures and discussions, and becomes an active member of the Circle of Philosophy, affiliated to the Italian Philosophical Society.
He publishes on "Rivista di Psicologia Applicata" the article: "La psicologia delle idee-forze e la psicagogia" (Psychology of ideas-forces and psychagogy") and on "La voce" the article "Per una moderna psicagogia" ("For a modern psychagogy") where he proposes a vision of man containing, in germ, the key points of Psychosynthesis.
He publishes on "La Voce": "Le idee di S. Freud sulla sessualità" ("S. Freud's ideas on sexuality"), a commentary on the "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality" by S. Freud.
He participates to the Second Psychoanalytic Meeting in Nuremberg where, among others, S. Freud, C. G. Jung, S. Ferenczi, K. Abraham, E. Bleuler, O. Rank, L. Biswanger were present. He writes a review for the Journal of Applied Psychology,
He becomes fellow of the International Psychoanalytical Association.
The Italian Society of Psychology is founded in Florence. Assagioli is one of the first 53 members.
Discute la tesi di laurea sulla Psicanalisi con il Prof. Eugenio Tanzi, ove espone per la prima volta la sua concezione della Psicosintesi.
July 1
He discusses the thesis on Psychoanalysis with Prof. Eugenio Tanzi. In the thesis Assagioli expounds for the first time his conception of Psychosynthesis.
He participates in Florence at the 1st Italian Conference on Sexual Issue with the report "Transformation and sublimation of sexual energy".
He participates in the International Congress of Philosophy in Bologna, with a report on "The Subconscious".
Fonda e finanzia la pubblicazione di "Psiche. Rivista di studi psicologici" diretta da Sante De Sanctis, Enrico Morselli e Guido Villa.
La rivista ha carattere bimestrale e avrà vita regolare per 4 anni. Nel secondo numero compare il primo scritto di Freud tradotto in italiano: "Il metodo psicoanalitico".
Verrà nuovamente pubblicata nel 1960, ma per soli tre numeri.
He founds and finances the publication of "Psiche", a magazine of psychological studies edited by Sante De Sanctis, Enrico Morselli and Guido Villa.
The bimonthly magazine will have regular life for 4 years. In its second issue is published Freud's first writing translated in Italian: "The psychoanalytic method".
The magazine will start to be published again in 1960, but for three numbers only.
He contributes to the Russian magazine "Psychotherapy".
Together with other scholars belonging to Psiche he founds the "Florence Circle of Psychological Studies".
During the First World War he is called up as a medical officer. In 1919 he is vice-director of Ancona Neurological Centre. |
He founds the group "Florence" of the Independent Theosophical League, and becomes its president.
Sposa a Firenze Nella Ciapetti.
August 12
He marries Nella Ciapetti in Florence.
Nasce il figlio Ilario Francesco Assagioli.
September 12
His son Ilario Francesco Assagioli is born.
He is one of the editors of "Ultra", a magazine of spiritual studies and research.
Assagioli family moves to Rome, via Antonio Bosio, 15.
He founds the Institute of Psychic Culture and Therapy in Rome. In 1933 it takes the name of Institute of Psychosynthesis.
He meets R. Tagore on occasion of the poet's journey in Italy.
Publication of the text: "A New Method of Healing: Psychosynthesis".
Viaggia in Europa e in America, ampliando la rete di rapporti internazionali e nel contempo intensifica l'elaborazione, la formulazione e la diffusione della Psicosintesi .
He travels in Europe and America, expanding the network of international relationships. At the same time, he intensifies the development, formulation and spreading of Psychosynthesis.
His interest in esoteric studies and inner quest leads him to join the Arcane School, a group founded by Alice Bailey, with whom he begins a relationship of intense and deep collaboration and spiritual friendship.
In estate è ad Ascona (CH) al centro Eranos dove incontra Alice Bailey .
In summer he is in Ascona (CH), in centre Eranos, where he meets Alice Bailey.
Dane Rhudyar visits him and is his guest at Villa Serena, his "beautiful house in the hills above Florence".
As a Jew, he resigns from the Theosophical Society. All the same, the society is closed by the regime.
Viene arrestato a Villa Serena con l'accusa di pacifismo e resta un mese in prigione a Regina Coeli. L' esperienza vissuta gli ispira la stesura dello scritto "Libertà in prigione". Viene rilasciato con domicilio obbligato.
August 22
He is arrested at Villa Serena on charges of pacifism and spends one month in prison at Regina Coeli. This experience inspires the article "Freedom in prison." He is released with confinement.
He writes the introduction to Patanjali's Yoga Sutra.
He reconstitutes the Institute of Psychosynthesis in Florence. At the end of the 50's it will have definitive location in Via San Domenico, 16.
Dopo la guerra acquista la casa di Via San Domenico a Firenze, che diverrà sempre più nel tempo suo luogo di ispirazione per elaborare, approfondire, applicare, diffondere, irradiare il suo pensiero, nonché luogo attrattivo di incontro, di guarigione e di crescita per allievi, pazienti e collaboratori provenienti da varie parti del mondo.
After the war he buys the house in Via San Domenico in Florence, which in time will become more and more his place of inspiration. There, he will develop, deepen, apply, distribute, irradiate his thought. It will also be an attractive location for meetings, healing and growth for students, patients and collaborators from various parts of the world.
He begins to travel in Europe and the U.S. for cultural, psychological and spiritual contacts.
Activities intensify through new initiatives, publications, lectures, conferences, participation in national and international meetings.
London: Meeting of the Arcane School. Assagioli represents Italy.
Fonda l'Unione Italiana per l'Ebraismo Progressivo, aderente alla "World Union for Progressive Judaism".
He founds the Italian Union for Progressive Judaism, adhering to the "World Union for Progressive Judaism".
Alla riunione della Scuola Arcana in Svizzera, annuncia la sua intenzione di formare un gruppo di Meditazione Creativa sulle Leggi e Principi della Nuova Era. Per avviare questo progetto ed elaborare il materiale inerente, lavorerà intensamente negli anni successivi anche in stretto contatto con collaboratrici della Sundial House di Tunbridge Wells (U.K.). Tale gruppo è tuttora attivo a livello internazionale.
At the meeting of the Arcane School in Switzerland, he announces his intention to form a group of Creative Meditation on the Laws and Principles of the New Age. To start this project and develop the inherent material, he will work intensely in subsequent years, also in close contact with collaborators of the Sundial House in Tunbridge Wells (UK). This group is still active at the international level.
Il figlio Ilario, già seriamente ammalato di tubercolosi polmonare e ulteriormente aggravatosi per i disagi patiti durante la fuga dai persecutori nazisti, muore a Firenze all'età di 28 anni.
November 6
His son Ilario, seriously ill with pulmonary tuberculosis, whose condition worsened because of the hardships suffered during the escape from Nazi persecution, dies in Florence at the age of 28 years.
1st International Congress of Psychosynthesis at Nussa (Capolona house) rebuilt after the war.
Beginning in 1956, Assagioli serves as an advisor for the School of Esoteric Studies, originally located in New York City, of which he was a member since its foundation.
2° Convegno Internazionale di Psicosintesi a Capolona, presente H. Keyserling e un rappresentante di E. Fromm.
Tali riunioni internazionali si susseguiranno a cadenza annuale fino al 1968 e avranno luogo in diverse località europee contribuendo così ad estendere la diffusione e il radicamento della Psicosintesi in Europa.
Questo stesso periodo lo vede impegnato a rafforzare contatti e relazioni internazionali nell'ambito della Psicologia Umanistica e Transpersonale allora in fase nascente, collaborando in più occasioni con A. Maslow.
2nd International Congress of Psychosynthesis in Capolona. H. Keyserling and a representative of E. Fromm are present.
These international meetings will take place on an annual basis until 1968 in various locations across Europe, thus contributing to spread and root Psychosynthesis in Europe.
In this period Assagioli is committed to strengthening international contacts and relationships within the rising Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology, collaborating on several occasions with A. Maslow.
He creates the Psychosynthesis Research Foundation in the United States at Valmy, Delaware.
Later, its seat will be moved to New York.
Inizia a coordinare il materiale per la stesura di "Principi e metodi della Psicosintesi Terapeutica", testo che verrà pubblicato per la prima volta in inglese a cura della Psychosynthesis Research Foundation - New York - nel 1965.
He begins to coordinate the materials for the preparation of "Principles and methods of Therapeutic Psychosynthesis", that will be published for the first time in English by the Psychosynthesis Research Foundation - New York - in 1965.
He opens the "Centre de Psychosynthèse" in Paris.
The centre of Athens is constituted. Writings on Psychosynthesis are translated and published in Greek.
An association with the name "Institute of Psychosynthesis" is formally constituted, with a registered office in Florence, Via S. Domenico 16.
In 1965 it will be a non-profit foundation.
He participates in the V International Congress of Psychotherapy in Vienna, with the report: "Psychosynthesis and existential psychotherapy".
He participates in the "Semaine de Psichosynthèse" in Viry-Châtillon, near Paris.
He creates in Florence the "Centro Incontri e Collaborazione Soccorso Telefonico" (Meetings and Collaboration Centre - Phone Aid).
Florence Institute organizes a conference on highly gifted children.
The activities of the Institute of Psychosynthesis become more and more intense and organized.
In Italy more centres are gradually opened: Rome (1967), Bologna (1969), Perugia (1970), Padua (1974).
He participates in the VI International Congress of Psychotherapy in London, where he holds a report on "Synthesis in Psychotherapy".
Assagioli chairs the meeting of the members of the Steering Committee of Creative Meditation Groups in Glion sur Montreux (CH).
He writes on the review "Verso la Luce" ("Towards Light") under the pseudonym Considerator.
Publication of the text: "Psicosintesi - Armonia della Vita" ("Psychosynthesis - Harmony of Life"), Ed. Mediterranee, Rome.
Biopsychosynthesis centre is born in Argentina, with the name "Asociación Argentina de Psicosíntesis", Buenos Aires.
Within the First International Psychosomatic Week at the Catholic University of Rome, the Fifth International Meeting of Psychosynthesis is held. Assagioli holds a presentation on "Psychosomatic Medicine and Biopsychosynthesis".
The Psychosynthesis Centre in California is constituted.
The Centre "Recherche et Rencontres" in Paris organizes a Congress of Psychosynthesis attended by the directors of the Italian Centres and by American, Swiss and French representatives.
The "Canadian Institute of Psychosynthesis" in Montreal, Canada, is officially constituted.
"Principi e metodi della Psicosintesi Terapeutica" ("Principles and Methods of Therapeutic Psychosynthesis") is published in Italian by Astrolabio Ed., Rome.
"The Act of Will" is published in English by Viking Press Ed. - New York. It will be published in Italian by Astrolabio in 1977, after Assagioli's death.
In this period he collects the materials of transpersonal subject drawn up over time. They will be published after his death in "Lo sviluppo Transpersonale" ("Transpersonal Development"), Ed. Astrolabio Rome, 1988.
The Summer Centre of the Psychosynthesis Institute is inaugurated in Capolona, with the name "Villa Ilario".
Nasce la S.I.P.T. (Società Italiana di Psicosintesi Terapeutica).
S.I.P.T. (Società Italiana di Psicosintesi Terapeutica - Italian Society for Therapeutic Psychosynthesis) is born.
In Spring, the English Center of Psychosynthesis, based in London, opens.
Roberto Assagioli muore all'alba a Capolona all'età di 86 anni, circondato dall'affetto dei suoi allievi.
August 23
Roberto Assagioli dies at dawn in Capolona, at the age of 86, surrounded by his affectionate disciples.